Inventory Management: UID Meaning and Applications

With modern technology, there are more ways than ever to keep track of your company’s assets. The United States government started this system in the early 2000s, but it has grown to have many practical uses in addition to keeping track of Department of Defense assets.

We’ll explain what a UID is, the common uses of UIDs, and how you can use this system along with other solutions to manage assets and inventory within your company.

What Is a UID?

UID stands for unique identification and is a method of Enterprise Asset Management. This required asset identification program was established by the United States Department of Defense (DoD). 

All government-owned and government-purchased assets must carry a UID so that each asset can be uniquely and consistently tracked throughout its lifespan.

UID Specifications: What Is a UID Code?

The required UID appears as a square or rectangular data matrix code, which can then be scanned with a special reader. It looks similar to a QR code, although these identifiers differ slightly. The U.S. DoD specifies the technical and engineering requirements needed in terms of the procedures and processes that all UID assets must follow.

The program and these specifications must be applied to:

  • All assets valued at $5,000 or more
  • Critical equipment; and 
  • Controlled and consumable assets

The details regarding exactly which items need to be marked should be outlined clearly on your government contract. In addition, you can review UID guidelines for more specifics.

4 Commons Uses of UIDs

We’ve talked about the UID meaning, but what are some specific applications users have for these identifiers? Here are four examples you may frequently see.

#1: Online Services

When users register with a website or other online service, they often receive a user ID that allows the company to differentiate them within internal logs. These UIDs are used for login and security purposes.

#2: Information Tracking

UIDs are often used in a specific column or field of databases or spreadsheets. This makes sorting and filtering information much easier and helps trace data back to a specific entity or user in the system.

#3: Asset Management

A very popular use of UIDs is in the physical supply chain. An entire product may be marked with its own unique number or individual pieces of larger components may have UIDs, depending on the size and number of pieces and how a company uses them.

This lets users trace the origin of the product in case there is a recall, defect, or malfunction.

#4: Healthcare Industry

This has become even more important in the age of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) compliance regarding patient privacy and rights. A personal code is created to avoid reporting medical information associated with a patient’s name. This not only protects patient privacy but also eliminates the possibility of duplicate records.

Benefits of Using UIDs

The main benefits of assigning UIDs are an increase in efficiency and record keeping. By allowing automated scanning of UIDs, you virtually eliminate human error in entering the UID into a central database system. Since all UIDs are unique, there's less confusion and record duplication within the system.

UID use provides high-quality data to the U.S. DoD and saves money for the department, its contractors, and ultimately, the taxpayers.

This data can be used to improve asset tracking and maintenance as well as provide ongoing historical information on critical equipment.

How To Comply With the Use of UIDs

Maintenance managers required to comply with UID may want to work with a professional to ensure that labeling requirements are met correctly. UID labels must adhere to and be readable on each required asset for the duration of its useful life, including any rebuilds. 

As a result, what UID labels are made of and how they're attached must take into account the expected life span of the article, how harsh its operating conditions are, and what material assets are made from.

Easily Manage Your Inventory With Enterprise Asset Management Software From UpKeep

The system of UID (unique identification) is a great way to keep track of government-owned and government-issued assets. This can go hand in hand with UpKeep’s Enterprise Asset Management Software. 

Our asset management components allow your team to boost productivity with mobile work orders while they gain robust insights to manage the full asset life cycle. We’ll even make it easy to automate preventive maintenance tasks on your mobile device, allowing you to keep your business running smoothly all the time.

With our inventory management features, you can reduce part costs with an accurate inventory count and direct those savings into growing your business. With powerful insights, you’ll be able to:

  • Better control costs
  • Standardize maintenance; and
  • Ensure sufficient stock supply

Easily oversee parts consumption, purchasing, and more to boost your cash flow and optimize resources. Click the button below to request a demo and get started with UpKeep today.


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