Easily integrate QuickBooks Online with UpKeep!
UpKeep is a modern solution for your maintenance needs. We're so modern that you can now easily integrate with QuickBooks Online to streamline your accounting, project management, and CMMS processes.
Use QuickBooks Online to manage your project finances, use UpKeep to manage your equipment breakdowns & maintenance, and use our integration to streamline project & work order finances.
Benefits of Integration
With the QuickBooks Online integration, you can...
Stay aligned. Avoid falling behind.
Your maintenance shouldn’t fall behind schedule because of misalignment between your maintenance team and accounting team. With the QuickBooks Online integration, your teams can stay aligned on all project activities, all the while getting the best of both CMMS and accounting software capabilities.
Eliminate costs you didn’t even know about.
The QuickBooks Online integration allows you to automatically track work order costs, technician hourly rates, and purchase order costs in real-time and quickly identify any unnecessary expenses through our analytics dashboard.
Prevent manual entry & human error.
Your team shouldn't have to be vulnerable to human errors because of manual data entry. Having a QuickBooks Online integration automatically syncs any costs associated with your work orders or purchase orders with your QuickBooks projects & invoices, so that your teams can avoid manual entry.
Features of Integration
Here are two core features of our integration.
Work Orders
With the QuickBooks Online integration, you can sync work order costs and hourly rates. This enables your maintenance team and your accounting team to stay aligned, so that no costs are miscounted for.
Purchase Orders
UpKeep provides the tools for maintenance teams to initiate purchase order requisitions, while QuickBooks Online provides the tools for accounting teams to track the purchase order costs. The integration enables both maintenance & accounting teams to stay aligned on any purchase order activities. For example, once an order is paid for and fulfilled, UpKeep automatically restocks the inventory so there is no need for manual data entry by the accounting or maintenance teams.
Awesome! Now what?
You can start building integrations between QuickBooks Online and UpKeep using Zapier! And you don't even have to touch a single line of code. (Note: A paid Zapier subscription may be required depending on the third party application)
In fact, if you already have an UpKeep account, we've built integration templates that you can start using right away:
To learn more, please contact us at [email protected] or (323) 880-0280.