Embajadores de UpKeep

Construyendo fuertes conexiones industriales para educar y mejorar nuestra comunidad de mantenimiento

Creado para construir una comunidad de expertos y consultores en Mantenimiento y Confiabilidad apasionados por la industria y ayudar a los miembros de la comunidad y organizaciones a establecer e implementar las mejores prácticas cuando se trata de confiabilidad de activos y procesos.

UpKeep Ambassadors

Nuestra Visión y Misión

Nuestra visión es garantizar que los clientes de Upkeep tengan acceso a los mejores profesionales de la industria en el mundo y crear un estándar de excelencia para el éxito de nuestros clientes que vaya más allá de CMMS. La misión es tener conexión con el cliente y la comunidad a través

La comunidad conectada a la experiencia de la industria permite que las mejores prácticas sean entendidas y aplicadas de manera efectiva.

El programa de embajadores une la brecha entre CMMS y estrategias empresariales más grandes. Nuestro equipo revisado sabe cómo debe funcionar la organización de mantenimiento y confiabilidad, y cómo está entrelazada con el negocio. Aquí hay algunos beneficios de solicitar ser un Embajador de Upkeep

  • Contenido de marketing para la base de clientes de Upkeeps

  • Ofrecer seminarios web, sesiones de preguntas y respuestas a la comunidad/clientes

  • Oportunidades para consultar con la base de clientes de Upkeeps

  • Ser un socio de confianza para mejorar la posición de producto y mercado de Upkeeps.

Property Management


Conoce a nuestros embajadores

Lorem ipsum es un texto de marcador de posición comúnmente usado en las industrias gráficas, de impresión y publicación para previsualizar diseños y maquetas visuales.

Sanya Mathura

Managing Director of Strategic Reliability Solutions Ltd

Sanya Mathura is a highly accomplished professional in the field of engineering and reliability, with a proven track record of success in providing solutions to complex problems in various industries. She is currently the Managing Director of Strategic Reliability Solutions Ltd, a leading consulting firm that specializes in helping clients improve their asset reliability and maintenance practices.

Sanya holds a Bachelor's degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering as well as a Masters in Engineering Asset Management from a reputed university and has over 15 years of experience in the industry. She has worked with several well-known companies and has been recognized for her exceptional work in the field of reliability and lubrication engineering. Her expertise in developing and implementing asset management strategies, risk assessments, and root cause analysis has earned her a reputation as a subject matter expert.

As the head of Strategic Reliability Solutions Ltd, Sanya leads a team of highly skilled professionals who provide a wide range of services to clients across various industries, including oil and gas, manufacturing, and transportation. Under her leadership, the company has expanded its services and is now recognized as a leading provider of reliability engineering services in the industry across the globe.

In addition to her work at Strategic Reliability Solutions Ltd, Sanya is an active member of several professional organizations, including the International Council for Machinery Lubrication and writes technical papers for several organizations. She is also a sought-after speaker and has presented at various conferences and seminars on the topics of reliability engineering and lubrication. She is also an avid advocate for women in STEM.

She is the first female in the Caribbean to become an ICML certified MLE (Machinery Lubrication Engineer) and also sits on the board for this exam. Sanya was also the first female in the world to achieve the ICML Varnish badges (VIM & VPR). She is part of the editorial board for Precision Lubrication Magazine and writes a lot of technical articles on various platforms. She is also part of the Advisory board for the Lubricant Expo North America & The Bearing Show North America.

Sanya has also published her first book, “Lubrication Degradation Mechanisms, A Complete Guide” with CRC press in November, 2020 and has a couple more books in progress. In December, 2021 she launched her second book, “Lubrication Degradation – Getting into the Root Causes” co-authored with Bob Latino of Prelical Solutions LLC.  Sanya has also co-authored, “Machinery Lubrication Technician (MLT) I & II Certification Exam Guide” with Michael Holloway of 5th Order Industry LLC. Additionally, she also co-authored, “Preventing Turbomachinery ‘Cholesterol’ – The Story of Varnish” with Greg Livingstone. She also edited the book, Empowering Women in STEM – Personal Stories and Career Journeys from Around the World and Empowering Women in STEM – Working Together to Inspire the Future (which will be released in March 2024).

Sanya's passion for excellence, coupled with her expertise in the field of engineering and reliability, has made her a respected and highly sought-after professional in the industry. Her dedication to providing exceptional service to clients and her commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends has earned her the respect of her peers and the admiration of her clients.

Sanya Mathura


¡Echa un vistazo al Podcast de Pledge Pros!


S1: E1 Introducing UpKeep's Ambassador Program with Ryan Chan

In our first episode of the UpKeep Pledge Pros Podcast, host Bryan Bieschke, Community & Partnerships Manager is joined by Ryan Chan, CEO & Founder of UpKeep to introduce the new ambassador program.

Learn more


S1: E2 Unveiling Maintenance Insights with Greg Christensen

In this episode, join us for an insightful conversation with Greg Christensen, host of CMMS Radio and an industry expert with 30+ years of experience.

Learn more


S1: E3 2024 State of Maintenance Round Table with UpKeep Ambassadors

Join us in this special episode as we unpack key insights from our State of Maintenance 2024 Report with host, Bryan Bieschke, and UpKeep Ambassadors.

Learn more


¿Por qué estamos haciendo esto


Construir un recurso que nuestros clientes y comunidad puedan aprovechar para obtener resultados reales de negocio.

Pagos Altos

Crear un programa de incentivos para embajadores que refieran clientes a UpKeep.

Oportunidades de Mercadeo

Crear oportunidades de marketing y liderazgo de pensamiento para que los consultores se promocionen a sí mismos y las mejores prácticas.

Centro de Aprendizaje Comunitario

Preservar una biblioteca de contenido educativo y de mejores prácticas.

growing Crece. Sigue creciendo.

La alineación con la industria asegura que estamos tomando las mejores decisiones, y los Embajadores ayudan a impulsar ese valor para nuestros clientes.

Mejorar UpKeep

Los embajadores tendrán oportunidades de ayudar a Upkeep a mejorar utilizando su experiencia y conocimientos únicos.

Preguntas frecuentes

Respondiendo a las preguntas principales

Ambassadors have unique expertise and experience that allows them to see through the common issues with CMMS. They know that often it's not the CMMS that is the issue, but rather the understanding of the business and how it connects to the maintenance organization. Our team identifies underlying issues that are keeping our customers from realizing true CMMS success.

Our team has combined over 150 years of maintenance & reliability experience. This comes in the form of manufacturing, food and beverage, renewable energy, oil/gas, facilities, heavy and industrial equipment. We also partner with highly specialized professionals in lubrication, condition monitoring, business leadership and much more! See “Meet Our Ambassadors” to learn more.

Short answer is No, however we encourage all qualified professionals to apply, especially if you offer a highly unique or skilled service. Our commitment to our customers is paramount and we strive to ensure our Ambassadors are highly qualified, established and aligned with our core values (No Conflicts of Interest). We know there are hundreds of professionals worthy of this program and we encourage you to reach out.

We ask our ambassadors to commit to 1-2 hrs a month to participate in various marketing, education and customer facing activities. Our Ambassador's time is respected and we make great effort to ensure mutual alignment of activities.

Embajadores de UpKeep

Pasión de la industria de mantenimiento para construir una comunidad.

Creado para construir una comunidad de expertos y consultores en Mantenimiento y Confiabilidad apasionados por la industria y ayudar a los miembros de la comunidad y organizaciones a establecer e implementar las mejores prácticas cuando se trata de confiabilidad de activos y procesos.