The deskless workforce is the vast majority of the working world whose jobs don't require them to sit at a desk. 80% of the global workforce, or 2.7 billion people, are mobile while they're working. For some reason, technology providers have long overlooked them and left them without adequate software.
Times are changing, however, and more and more software is being tailored to their mobile needs. Here's a little more about the deskless workforce and why it's a good idea to invest in them:
To recap, the deskless workforce is 2.7 billion people in all industries from agriculture to healthcare to restaurants. They have $300 billion to spend across economies, and they need more investment in deskless technology.
Deskless technology will:
How can maintenance software help reduce downtime?
Overcoming the Skills Gap in Manufacturing
9 Statistics About How Technology Will Change the Future
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