Monthly Maintenance Appreciation

Monthly Maintenance Appreciation

Maintenance work can sometimes feel like a thankless job, so we want to help you show appreciation for your colleagues. Nominate a teammate for a FREE goodie basket through UpKeep! We wanted to show gratitude to the maintenance community - what better way than a monthly maintenance appreciation drawing?! Tell us who you want to send a gift basket to and include a short message about why you're nominating them. We'll take care of the rest!

Monthly winners will be announced on LinkedIn. We will contact all winners via email before announcing their names. Winners must be able to be "shouted out" on social media. Please note, we are only able to ship within the U.S.

Nominate a teammate today!

Nomination Form

Latest Monthly Maintenance Appreciation Photos

Maintenance work can sometimes feel like a thankless job, so we want to help you show appreciation for your colleagues.