If you want to maximize the use of your critical equipment, you have to be able to identify the areas with the most inefficiency. One metric to help you do this is the total effective equipment performance (TEEP) defined by the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals.
The TEEP measures equipment performance based on availability, actual use time, performance efficiency, and output quality over a set number of hours. By using this metric, you can measure how well you gain value from your assets and pinpoint the areas where you can make the biggest improvements. Where OEE measures how effective your facility is during planned production time, TEEP evaluates the percentage of all time that is efficient and productive.
Source: https://www.oee.com/teep.html
To calculated TEEP, you multiply your facility's OEE by Utilization (U). Utilization time is the proportion of time that your equipment is used. We can recall that OEE is calculated as:
OEE = Availability (A) x Performance (P) x Quality (Q)
For more information on calculating OEE, visit "How do I Measure OEE?"
Let’s say a manufacturing facility runs two 8-hour shifts each day, so 16 operational hours out of 24 hours total. That means the actual utilization (U) for a particular asset in our example facility each day is 16/24 or 66.6 percent. Let's say we're already tracking OEE, since it's one of the best indicators of plant performance, and we know that OEE is 75%. World class standard for OEE is 77%, so our example facility is doing great!
To calculate TEEP, then, multiply use your data for OEE and U.
TEEP = 75% x 66.6% = 50%
Once you have your TEEP, you can examine your data points to find root causes for the inefficiencies. In this example, this facility may be able to increase the efficiency of this piece of equipment by searching for the root cause related to performance efficiency problems. If this particular asset is running at only half of its projected cycle time, there is a great deal of room for improvement in this area.
How do I measure my facility's overall equipment efficiency (OEE)?
What is the difference between total effective equipment performance (TEEP) and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)?
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