What are the most common use cases for sensors and IoT in churches?
Selecting the Best CMMS
How to Transition from Paper Work Orders to a CMMS
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A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) can help churches schedule work orders and organize volunteers. It can also facilitate preventive maintenance tasks, increase safety, and reduce energy consumption. Relying on a CMMS means church leaders can focus on their core mission of spiritual development and building community. Here are some tips on maintaining your church:
Schedule Work Orders
Although churches may have a paid maintenance manager or small staff, many use volunteers to complete work around their facility. A CMMS mobile solution allows all team members to download an app on their smart phone. An app easily shows the maintenance tasks open for staff to complete. Work orders can be scheduled by a supervisors and assigned to particular volunteers. Photos and instructions are easily accessible through an app on a mobile device or tablet.
Organize Volunteers
Many churches may run periodic work days. Once you enter regular maintenance tasks into your database, you can easily create a report of all pending work, from simple repairs to landscaping tasks. This allows the maintenance coordinator easily recall and assign tasks to enthusiastic helpers, young and old.
Facilitate Preventive Maintenance
It’s always less expensive to maintain things like HVAC equipment and church vehicles than to repair them in an emergency. A CMMS solution can help you schedule preventive maintenance tasks so that they are completed regularly and on time. Once frequency or schedules are set, a CMMS can automatically schedule work orders.
Increase Safety
A CMMS solution can help provide clear instructions on using equipment or performing basic repairs, especially for new users. This can ensure that volunteers or staff members perform tasks properly and safely. In addition, tasks that require specific training or certification can be assigned to contractors or professionals as needed.
Reduce Energy Consumption
Maintained properly, a CMMS can become a wealth of facility information that can support better decision-making. For example, you can easily analyze your energy consumption over a period of time. If costs are skyrocketing, it may indicate that HVAC systems are malfunctioning or invite you to consider energy-saving upgrades.