Product Release

UpKeep Product Release Notes | Restored "Estimated Hours" and "Checklists" in Requests and Work Orders, and More!

In today's post, we address new improvements on our Web platform, including the addition of "Estimated Hours" and "Checklists" to Requests and Work Orders, and refinements to Requesters editing capabilities.

Lisa P
Publicado el July 16, 2024

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Product Release

UpKeep Product Release Notes | Hierarchical Location Filter, Continuous Improvements to Work Order 2.0 Beta, and More!

Welcome to our release notes, published every Tuesday and Thursday! These notes cover additional features and bug fixes that improve...
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Product Release

UpKeep Product Release Notes | New Locations Experience and More!

Welcome to our release notes, published every Tuesday and Thursday! These notes cover additional features and bug fixes that improve...
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Product Release

UpKeep's Custom Work Order Statuses: A Game-Changing Release | Product Release Friday 3.29.24

Join Ryan Chan, CEO, and Spencer Nelson, Senior Product Manager, as they unveil one of the most anticipated features yet:...
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