Product Release

UpKeep Product Release Notes | New ID Column in Preventative Maintenance Parts, and More!

Dive into today's release with new features and bug fixes for our Web and iOS platforms! View our enhancements such as the New ID Column in Preventative Maintenance Parts, and more.

Lisa P
Publicado el August 22, 2024

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Product Release

UpKeep Product Release Notes | New Floor Mapping Controls, and More!

Discover the latest features and bug fixes in today's Web platform release, including the new Floor Mapping Controls and more....
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Product Release

UpKeep Product Release Notes | Smart Imports for Checklists, Visibility of Incoming Part Quantities, Empty State Pages, and More!

Explore today's release packed with dynamic new features for our Web platform! Discover enhancements such as the Visibility of Incoming...
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Product Release

UpKeep Product Release: AI-Powered Smart Checklist Imports, IoT Sensor Integration, & More!

In this week's Product Release Friday, UpKeep introduces AI-Powered Smart Imports, IoT Sensor Integration, and more to enhance your maintenance...
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Liderando el camino hacia un futuro mejor para el mantenimiento y la confiabilidad

Los datos de sus activos y equipos no pertenecen a un silo. UpKeep simplifica ver dónde se encuentra todo, todo en un solo lugar. Eso significa menos conjeturas y más tiempo para concentrarse en lo que importa.

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