Jackson, Tennessee

ReNew BioMedical is a biomedical maintenance and repair service, that will help you save money and prolong the life of your medical equipment. Working on assets from AEDs to Patient Monitors, as well as being asset themselves, the ReNew BioMedical team is, “Saving the Lives of Life-Saving Equipment.”
The ReNew BioMedical team is made up of 14 ISO-certified, biomedical technicians and managers. Here’s the breakdown:
- 3 Managing Partners,
- 2 Directors of Biomedical Services,
- 1 Administrative Assistant,
- 2 Biomedical Managers,
- 1 Field Service Manager,
- 3 BMET Is,
- 1 Senior Biomedical Technician,
- And 1 Company Liason.
They’re a mighty team who’ve got you covered. From expert technical work, to support personnel ReNew Biomedical is saving lives and providing exceptional service while doing it.